The Children’s House actively encourages all parents to be involved in their child’s education and provides numerous opportunities for parents to learn about Montessori education and assist in the running of the pre-school.
Parent Information Sessions
Every term there is an information Evening for parents where an area of the Montessori Classroom is explained or other topics relevant to the children’s education is presented. Parents with their child on the waiting list are given an invitation to attend these evenings. Information evenings enable parents to understand how they can assist directly and constructively in the progress of their own child.
Parent Participation
The Sydney Montessori Society is a parent-run, non-profit organisation so parent involvement is essential. By helping in whatever way possible, parents are closer to their child’s school environment, aware of the needs and dynamics of the school and, importantly, costs are kept down and the school kept viable. A Parent Participation Scheme is in place to allow all families to assist with the administration/maintenance of the school. If families are unable to, or elect not to participate, they are required to pay a levy to the school. This system makes it fair for all families, because the workload is spread evenly and families can contribute to the pre school in the manner they are comfortable with and have the skills to do so.
Parents in the Classroom
Parents with special skills in areas such as craft, drama, singing or with musical instruments can also become directly involved with the children by contributing these skills in the class. Parents are also given the opportunity twice a year to observe their child in the classroom.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Twice a year after observing your child, parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress with the Classroom Directress. The meticulous observation records and a written report are shown and discussed with the parents. If necessary, a meeting with the class Directress or Authorised Supervisor can be arranged at any time to discuss aspects of your child’s progress or development.